SE - LÆS - LYT: Die Asta Experience i medierne & andre links til virkeligheden
We have two projects selected for Cross Video days, with 378 projects being submitted we are very happy to have two selected. The projects are Deadline Athens, an interactive documentary about Afghan refugees in Athen, that just received the danish press photo award in the multimedia category, and Ghost Rocket Investigation Portal, a project about a relased military archive about flying unidentified object and a documentary, that will launch in the coming months.
Asta var i P1 i forbindelse med åbningen af ICE
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Mød Asta på Kulturmødet på Mors
lørdag D. 23-08-2014 KL.09:00 - 11:00
Hvad betyder de digitale og sociale medier for udbredelse og omsætning af kunsten? Hvordan får talentet plads på et kunstmarked præget af konkurrence og vanetænkning? Hvad kan vi lære af udlandet og de danskere, der bor der? Hvornår er kunsten national, og hvornår er den international? Vi kender til copyright, men findes ”copyleft” som udtryk for en ny finansiering af den skabende kunst? Vi diskuterer disse udfordringer og finder løsninger på dem.
Moderator: Clement Kjersgaard
Monday the 18th, a whole day of tech, trends and new storytelling formats. Developed and run by Asta and Jason DaPonte, for Documentary Campus.
The first workshop will focus on concept development as well as identifying possible collaborative and financing opportunities. The output is to develop a concept and an action plan for the continued project development.
The second workshop will concentrate on continued concept development, business development and prototype/demo production. The output is a more detailed concept with a prototype/demo for one of the interactive features, a business plan as well as an action plan.
The focus of the third and final lab is pitch training and preparations to meeting with financiers during CPH:DOX
With Asta Wellejus and Jason Daponte
International Interactives and Kids!
- A sneak peak into the future technologies and experiences with two brains from the interactive field
Two of the most experienced interactive producers (former BBC exec producer and Zentropa Interactive CEO) present a selection of the most intriguing and non patronizing international children’s transmedia projects from the past and insights into upcoming new formats that are in development. The session has three main elements:
- See the best and brightest examples of interactive projects, on ipads, connected devices, learning games etc. from around the world.
- Get a sneak peak into research and development in other areas working with kids and interactives, the Websæk – a collaborative interactive art and culture project for kids between 7-10, and hear what types of experiences will be created within the next year, and The MSO project, where Swedish and Danish partners (classical orchestras, theaters) are developing new ways of engaging the younger audiences.
- Rapid ideation and testing of your own concept. Bring your project along in text and we will do a super-fast shared development session to help you with choosing your next steps for both content and technicnology. We have time for around 3-6 projects.
New Transmedia Factual Programming - MIPDoc 2012
Asta deltog i MIPTV, hvor hun sammen med Jason DaPonte fra The Swarm og Anna Ljungmark fra Boost holdt en workshop.
Se et uddrag på youtube
Medea - Workshop med internationale trans-/crossmediaexperter
Vi deltager med et internationalt ekspert team, og diskuterer fremtiden for new media!
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Taler på Cinekid i Holland i oktober, om nye medier finansiering, baseret på vores nyeste projekt The Courage Generator.
Tak til Wendy Bernfeld for introduktion!
Asta Wellejus oplæg, NOW is digital - her
Interview med Asta Wellejus om Danmarks vej og bromuseum på DR P1 20. juni 2011 - her
Interview med Asta Wellejus om at være kvindelig iværksætter. Danmarks Radio P1/Vita d. 25. juni 2010- lyt her
Asta Wellejus i Danmarks Radio P1/Vita d. 4. juni 2010 -
Find Asta på Facebook
Die Asta Experience og Globen i Audio Visuelle Medier -
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Se og hør om Globen
Læs interview med Asta Wellejus og Annette Vasström,
Nationalmuseet, i magasinet Danske Museer 5/2009
Asta Wellejus i Weekendavisen -
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Besøg Brede Værk og gå på opdagelse i industrisamfundet her
Læs artikelen "Lyt, Leg & læring" om rollespil som læringsmedie af Asta Wellejus